The Reentry Opportunity Center (ROC)

We serve as a place where those who are justice-involved can both come and belong and be treated with dignity and respect, accessing support and tangible resources needed to effectively reenter common society and thrive!

A Place That Helps people
discover their best version

The ROC provides meaningful and tangible resources and support that addresses the immediate basic and criminogenic needs of those we serve. Governmental and non-governmental agencies not only partner, but collaborate in an ongoing process of both identifying and meeting those needs. The ROC serves as a central location where the people we serve can receive everything from transportation assistance to job readiness training.

video games

We bring members together to help them not only bond with each other, but also to aim for something more, something better, than they had before they embarked on their reentry or recovery journey.

basketball Goals

We have a tradition of working hard and playing hard, giving access to prosocial activities for those who were recently released from prison in order to have a smooth transition to a rewarding social life with others.

couches to Community

We offer a nice and soft place to decompress or relax quietly after a long and hard-working day. Usually there's someone ready to have a conversation and relate.

coffee & snacks

We offer coffee & snacks to improve brain function and lower the risk of several diseases in the body.


We use TV as educational and recreational to increase knowledge of different cultures, promote tolerance and global understanding of international and local issues.

Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome

We focus on being a blessing to those who are justice-involved or are embarking on their recovery journey. We have a place where they are welcome, treated with dignity and respect, accessing support and tangible resources needed to effectively thrive in common society.

Our Mission Statement

To inspire, assist, and nurture individuals in the process of change required to effectively recover and reenter common society from justice involvement – going from surviving to thriving.

Relaxing Atmosphere
Welcoming and Safe Space
The Support You Need

We ensure we provide the support you will need to thrive in your reentry and recovery.

Friendly Environment

Our environment is friendly in such a way that people feel comfortable and welcome when they come through our doors.

Vision Statement

To serve as a place where those who are justice-involved can come, belong, and be treated with dignity and respect. To actively
support the reentry and recovery journey with tangible resources and connections to break down barriers to success.

Friendly Staff
Maximum Support